Portada / Top EP 2012

@TheNewDivision Género: Alternative.

Escafandrista Top Discos EP 2012

01. Night Escape by The New Division

02. This Summer by Caged Animals

03. Always<7u> by Summer Camp.

04. Traps by Humans

05. Seasides by Smile

06. MR&RT by Monster Rally & RUMTUM -> [Escafandrista post]
07. Into the Night by The Raveonettes -> [Escafandrista post]
08. Hiding by Tearjerker -> [Escafandrista post]
09. >Nonnavera by Yacht Club -> [Escafandrista post]
10. Youngblood Hawke by Youngblood Hawke –> [Escafandrista post]

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