Tras los EP, LP, la selección de canciones. Top 30 canciones 2010

Ganadora, con ajustado final, los Espejos de los Cocodrilos

Así queda la selección:

1. CrocodilesMirrors
2. Caribou Odessa
3. Here We Go Magic Collector
4. The Naked and FamousYoung Blood
5. The Bird DayFive Fingers
6. Oh No OnoHelplessly Young
7. Kent Glasäpplen
8. Casiokids Verdens Storste Land
9. Deerhunter Desire Lines
10. Suuns Up Past the Nursery
11. Eternal SummersPogo
12. Two Door CinemaYoure Not Stubborn
13. The DrumsMe And The Moon
14. Your YouthDiamond
15. Beach HouseUsed to be
16. The SwimmersA Hundred Hearts
17. Twin ShadowTyrant Destroyed
18. Brothertiger Feel
19. Young EmpiresWhite Doves
20. Monster MovieBored Beyond Oblivion
21. TV GirlDon’t Care
22. Angus and Julia StoneBlack Crow
23. Electric PresidentSafe and Sound
24. Four TetLove Cry
25. James YuillCrying for Hollywood
26. Robert ScottThe Moon Upstairs
27. Seabear Softship
28. Spoon I Saw the Light
29. Whitey When Your Sun Goes Down You
30. Sufjan StevensFutile Devices

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