Top 30 canciones 2011

El último top de selecciones anuales: las canciones.

Si tuviese que hacerlo 1000 veces, mil combinaciones creo que me saldrían. Así se queda.

Espero que os guste.

Top 30 canciones 2011 by Golden (Escafandrista)

01. Soft by The New Division
02. Safe And Sound by Capital Cities
03. Demons by Alaska in Winter
04. Warn in the Winter by Glass Candy
05. Come Rain, Come Sunshine by Pallers
06. Here to me by Carousels
07. To Little Too Late by Fotoshop
08. All I Want Heroes (LCD Soundsystem – David Bowie Cover) by Lightouts
09. Nothing by Young Man
10. Black Water by Apparat
11. Constellating by James & Evander
12. Bruises by Sin Fang
13. Yung Jun by Tammar
14. Girls by Taragana Pyjarama
15. Able by Gavin Friday
16. Running by Computer Magic
17. Savage Night at he Opera by Destroyer
18. Crystals by Fixers
19. Ten-twenty-ten by Generationals
20. Baby don’t dance by Mother Mother
21. Woods by The Rosebuds
22. Midnight City by M83
23. Time to dance by The Shoes
24. Amor Fati by Washed Out
25. Bury us alive by Starfucker
26. Fast Peter by Moonface
27. Year Off by High Places
28. Turned tables by Should
29. Call me an animal by I am in love
30. Girls on medication by Caged Animals

8 thoughts on “Top 30 canciones 2011

  1. Primero de todo gracias por la pagina, es de consulta obligada siempre. Me gustaria recuperar las mejores canciones del 2011 pero el enlace para bajarlas no funciona, gracias anticipadas.

  2. A ver que te parecen estos, los tenia totalmente olvidados!

    Demons by Alaska in Winter
    To Little Too Late by Fotoshop
    Running by Computer Magic

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