Portada / Top discos LP 2012

Top LP’s 2012

Género: Alternative.

Escafandrista Top Discos LP 2012

01. Putrifiers II by Thee Oh Sees.
02. Circles by Moon Duo.
03. WIXIW by Liars.
04. Bend Beyond by Woods.
05. A Different Ship by Here We Go Magic.
06. Nocturne by Wild Nothing.
07. Zeros by The Soft Moon.
08. Untogether by Letting Up Despite Great Faults.
09. Attack on Memory by Cloud Nothings.
10. Celebration Rock by Japandroids.
11. Mickey’s Dead by Elvis Depressedly.
12. Endless Flowers by Crocodiles.
13. Nootropics by Lower Dens.
14. Lex Hives by The Hives.
15. Spooky Action at a Distance by Lotus Plaza.
16. Lonerism by Tame Impala.
17. Blank Mind Empty Heart by Germany Germany.
18. Hard in Heaven by Natural Child.
19. With Siinai: Heartbreaking Bravery by Moonface.
20. Bloom by Beach House.
21. Failure by Unicycle Loves You.
22. We Were Drifting on a Sad Song by Sleep Party People.
23. Correct Behavior by Eternal Summers.
24. America by Dan Deacon.
25. Family by The Cast of Cheers.
26. The Matter by Faded Paper Figures.
27. Produit de Belgique by Vive la fête.
28. Aimlessness by Dntel.
29. Splendor Squalor by Xray Eyeballs.
30. In Cool Blood by Chain and the Gang.

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