Género: Alternative.

Las 30 canciones. Con ellas, finalizo las listas de este 2013. Feliz digestión.

The Love Language - Top - chart - canciones - songs - 2013 - Golden - Escafandrista
Top 30 canciones 2013 by Golden Escafandrista

The winner is Calm Down by The Love Language:

  1. Calm Down by The Love Language
  2. Älgen by Amason
  3. Spitfire [Syntax rmx] by Public Service Broadcasting
  4. Distractions by Knocking Ghost
  5. Line Of Fire by Junip
  6. Dreams by Carlito
  7. Campfire by Satellite Stories
  8. I Love You by Said The Whale
  9. Mercy by TV On The Radio
  10. Overflown by Landmarks
  11. The Throw by Jagmar Ma
  12. What Doesn’t Kill You by Jake Bugg
  13. Bo Jacksons by Kent Odessa
  14. 1st Times (You and I) by Long Walks On The Beach
  15. Footprints (Pandreas Remix) by Young Dreams
  16. Heaven by Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
  17. Only Child by Dead Owls
  18. In The Wake (early mix) by Tristesse Contemporaine
  19. Darkness by Du Tonc
  20. Dropla by Youth Lagoon
  21. The Body In Rainfall by Wild Nothing
  22. Drones by Night Drive
  23. Calling On Columbia Pike by Speedwell
  24. All I Know by Washed Out
  25. Toiletries for Bottoms by In Flagranti
  26. You’ve Got Me Wonderin’ Now by Parquet Courts
  27. The New Life by Girls Names
  28. Awake by Tycho
  29. Disappoint Your Teacher by The Derevolutions
  30. Ways To Go by Grouplove

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