Tras el escafandrista también está el DJ. Os dejo una sesión para que nunca se acabe el verano.
Espero que os guste.
Download -> Golden Summer Songs 2014 by DJ Golden
- Succubus Remix by The Wars
- Slyd by Chk Chk Chk
- Toiletries for Bottoms by In Flagranti
- Mask Maker by Liars
- The Night Mail by The New Jackson
- No Fun by The Presets
- Regan’s Skeleton (Fast Eddie RMX) by Yeasayer
- Tuesday by Intergalactix
- Sunlight feat Years & Years by The Magician
- Weathervane (Schlock RMX) by Early to Bed
- Always a Relief by Radio Dept.
- School Is Out (KINKI RMX) by Smile
- Very Large Green Triangles by Matmos
- Last Sex by Negative Lovers
- La Rock 01 by Vitalic
- All I want Heroes (LCD Bowie Cover) by Lightouts
- Now You Know My Name by The Derevolutions
- Spitfire (Syntax RMX) by Public Service Broadcasting
- Heavy Crown (Dye RMX) by Y.O.U.
- I Wanna Kill by Crocodiles
- Mary Wigman by Electric Gardens
Més ...
Amable AD10S 2022
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Razzmatazz 2021 by Amable
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Confina2 by Golden (2020)
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Melón con jamón by Golden (2020)
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