Buenas noticias, nuevo single de FANS: Not In Love (2016)
Género: punk, rock.
FANS, después de una buena acogida el pasado 2015 con Born Into, un EP gamberro que nos hizo recordar a los primeros Strokes, vuelven a mostrarse con un nuevo single: Not In Love.
Punk y rock a partes iguales, aunque ellos se describen como una banda de “Dark Pop Noise”. Sea lo que sea, me gusta como suenan.
I woke up in the darkest room
Naked lying next to you
Oh baby, oh baby
I don’t think I can go downstairs
I know that there’ll be people there who hate me
They’re just waiting to tell me I’m wrong
So I’ll just lay here and die
I don’t want to know
What do we do this for?
We’re not in love
It’s just not that way girl
I don’t want to know
What do we do this for?
We’re not in love
It’s just not that way
I don’t remember drinking wine
The backdraft glasses and tee lights
That caned me
So don’t blame me for staying too long
We’re comfortable enough to say
Let’s sort this out another day
Oh baby, just save me & give me a ride to mine
I hope you don’t mind
I don’t want to know
What do we do this for?
We’re not in love
It’s just not that way girl
I don’t want to know
What do we do this for?
We’re not in love
It’s just not that way
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