Call una nueva y estupenda sesión de TGC (2018)
Género: session, DJ
Que TGC es un currante lo atestiguan la cantidad de sesiones que nos ofrece. Si ser trabajador lo combinas con saber hacer, ya lo tienes casi todo. Con vosotros una nueva sesión: Call.
En la línea de anteriores, llena de novedades, clásicos que no envejecen o lo hacen muy bien.
Son 100 minutos y 43 canciones para ponerte a tono en cualquier momento.
Lista para ser descargada por aquí
Que TGC és un pencaire ho testifiquen la quantitat de sessions que ens ofereix. Si ser treballador ho combines amb saber fer, ja ho tens gairebé tot. Amb vosaltres una nova sessió: Call.
En la línia d’anteriors, plena de novetats, clàssics que no envelleixen o ho fan molt bé.
Són 100 minuts i 43 cançons per posar-te a to en qualsevol moment.
A punt per ser descarregada per aquí
2 Daylights Gone by motopony
3 Eyes As Candles by Passion Pit
4 Singaleu by The Parrots
5 Don t Delete The Kisses by Wolf Alice
6 Rinse & Repeat (Original Mix) by Riton feat. Kah-lo
7 The Party Line (Ride The Universe Remix) by Belle and Sebastian
8 You Only Live Once by The Strokes
9 Elephant (Todd Rundgren Remix) by Tame Impala
10 Lover by High School
11 (Din Daa Daa) feat. George Kranz by The Drums
12 If This Is Your Love by WhoMadeWho
13 Clap Your Hands (Addal Edit) by Whilk and Misky
14 You’ve Got To Move by Brunettes Shoot Blondes
15 Drinkee (Vintage Culture & Slow Motion! Remix) by SOFI TUKKER
16 THE GATES by Young Empires
17 My Number by Foals
18 Do You by Spoon
19 Mourning Sound by Grizzly Bear
20 Cali by RIDE
21 Tic Tac Toe by Django Django
22 Doubt by Delphic
23 We Can Pretend by Strange Talk
24 Trainwreck 1979 by Death From Above 1979
25 Crybaby Demon by Crocodiles (Band)
26 Sandstorm by Da Rude
27 Evil Boy by DIE ANTWOORD
28 Hangover (BaBaBa) – Original Mix by BURAKA SOM SISTEMA
29 For What It’s Worth by Placebo
30 Ni contigo ni sin ti by Supertennis
31 Bad Bohemian by British Sea Power
32 Espíritu Olímpico by Los Planetas
33 Visions by Letting Up Despite Great Faults
34 Digging For Something by Superchunk
35 I Don’t Want To Be In Your Arms by The Belligerents
36 Houdini by Foster The People
37 The Fourth Colour by King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard
38 BagBak by Vince Staples
39 Foreword by Tyler the Creator
40 Black Friday by Kendrick Lamar
41 Some Kind of Nature (feat. Lou Reed) by Gorillaz
42 Even When The Water’s Cold by !!!
43 Entertainment by Phoenix
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