@fehmband Género: post punk.

FEHM, es una banda formada por cinco músicos de Leeds. Aglutinan claras influencias de bandas como New Order, Depeche Mode, Tears for Fears o Soft Cell y acaban de estrenar el single Blue Hour

Un título que hace referencia al período de transición entre el día y la noche, o claro y oscuro. La canción trata de que alguien se divide por la mitad, al igual que la hora azul, y finalmente cae del lado de la oscuridad. Nada dura para siempre.

Abrazan un sonido post punk melancólico con sintetizadores contundentes. FEHM desprenden un bonito sonido vintage que agradará a quienes suelen mirar por el retrovisor de aquellos años ochenta.


‘As he walks down the road to nowhere
Where nobody goes, where it splits down the middle
In half he’s torn, in half he was born
Nothing lasts forever

Do you stop and think for a second?

Nothing lasts forever, I never knew you at all
And for good measure, you burnt the sun out after all

As he runs down beyond the cross roads 
Where he could not think, where he’s split down the middle 
A point of no return, a point he should have learnt
That nothing lasts forever

Do you stop and think for a second?

Nothing lasts forever, I never knew you at all
And for good measure, you burnt the sun out after all

The blue hour awaits and the sky it captivates
He’s half of a human, the runaway

Nothing lasts forever, I never knew you at all
And for good measure, you burnt the sun out after all

Do you stop and think for a second?
For no one, for nothing, “I was wrong”.

Nothing lasts forever


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