Género: #indie #sesiones #mixcloud

Melón con jamón es una sesión cocinada por un servidor. 24 canciones de ayer y hoy. Una sesión transversal a mano alzada e improvisando sobre la marcha. De sabores dispares donde han entrado muchas canciones y bandas reseñadas por estas tierras.
Espero que os guste el melón con jamón :)
1. Louis XIV by The Wolfgang Press
2. Slyd by Chk Chk Chk
3. Kinda Fuzz by Eels
4. Last Desire by Coves
5. Running by Computer Magic
6. A veces ni eso by La Bien Querida
7. Able by Gavin Friday
8. Hours by Tycho
9. Tower Of Trellick by Kleerup
10. A Letter From Home by Ulrich Schnauss
11. Mouthful of Diamonds by Phantogram
12. No Failure by A Copy for Collapse
13. Control (Holy Ghost! Remix) by JR JR
14. This Is Not The End (Michael Mayer remix) by Gui Boratto
15. Yeah Yeah (Flosstradamus remix) by Matt & Kim
16. No Fun by The Presets
17. You Wanted A Hit (Soulwax remix) by LCD Soundsystem
18. Not in Control (Ewan Pearson Remix) by Teleman
19. Deustch by Gewalt
20. Unbleached by TR/ST
21. Sparkle by COMA
22. Keep The Girls by Teen Daze
23. Tokyo Moon by Windmill
24. A House of Many Ghosts by Brothertiger
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